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meme therappy instagram post




memetherappy is a human-made mental health app that serves to build a community around the realness, humor and therapeutic growth of reducing anxiety and stress.

our role:

hustlinghuman worked with memetherappy on social media strategy as well as building and fostering a dedicated organic social community.  we continue to work with creating brand awareness for the pre-launch of the app.

6-month results:

  • Grew 3K Instagram followers

  • Grew Instagram Reach by 6M 

  • Grew content interactions 16K per post


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Viral Reel Results for meme therappy by hustlinghuman
viral reel for meme therappy created by hustlinghuman
Viral Reel Results for meme therappy by hustlinghuman
meme therappy instagram reel by hustlinghuman

pre-launch brand awareness

community building dms

usernames covered to respect the

privacy of community members

want better organic content for your brand?

get in touch with us

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